ARIANA UNIVERSITY / Ariana services and facilities
  • Microbiology Lab

    Uncover the hidden world of microorganisms in our university's Microbiology Lab. Engage in hands-on experiments, cultivate and study diverse microbial cultures, and contribute to advancements in health, agriculture, and environmental sciences.

  • Anatomy Lab

    Immerse yourself in the study of the human body in our university's Anatomy Lab. Explore anatomical structures, dissect specimens, and gain hands-on knowledge that forms the foundation of medical and healthcare fields.

  • Physiology Lab

    Step into the realm of human body systems in our university's Physiology Lab. Explore the intricacies of physiological functions, conduct experiments, and gain a deeper understanding of the fascinating mechanisms that drive life.

  • Biochemistry Lab

    Embark on a journey into the intricate world of life sciences in our university's Biochemistry Lab. Engage in cutting-edge research, unravel molecular complexities, and unlock the secrets of living organisms.

  • Physics Lab

    Unlock the mysteries of the universe in our university's Physics Lab, where students delve into hands-on experiments, explore fundamental laws, and push the boundaries of scientific understanding.

  • Chemistry Lab

    Discover the art of scientific experimentation in our university's Chemistry Lab, where students engage in hands-on exploration, chemical analysis, and groundbreaking discoveries.

  • Computer Lab

    Experience a state-of-the-art computer laboratory at our university, providing a dynamic space for technological innovation and hands-on learning opportunities.

  • Library

    Cutting-edge facilities and innovative research opportunities define our university's laboratory section, fostering a dynamic environment for scientific exploration and breakthrough discoveries.